3 Spaces in Your Home That Will Look Great With Creative Wallpaper Designs
Adding in some unique touches to your home renovation in Erie, CO will give it some fun character and will allow you to inject a little of your personality into the design. While wallpaper was outdated and a bit unconventional for a while, it has made a huge prominent comeback. Wallpaper designs can bring a completely new look to your home when used right. Here are three spaces in your home that will definitely benefit from a creative design.
1. Entry
The gateway to your home is the first thing your guests see. Impress them by getting innovative with your wallpaper design. Consider floral patterns in a bright color that will draw their eye. Some extraordinary types of wallpaper you may consider are:
-Serena & Lily
-Kenneth James
2. Kitchen
Many people consider the kitchen the center stage of their home. Especially for those who enjoy entertaining, a showstopper kitchen is a must. Small details may not seem like a big deal, but these touches are the key to setting your design apart from all the others. Inject some serious personality into your kitchen with a wallpaper design on an accent wall, pantry, or even on the back of cabinets.
3. Bathroom
Your bathroom doesn't have to be boring to be functional. Artistic wallpaper designs are a great way to spice up your bathroom, especially behind your vanity mirrors. Implementing a fun pattern will make a great centerpiece to your bathroom.